College Corner Feasibility Study

Lynchburg, Virginia

Architectural Partners and Tetrault & Associates working with Lynchburg College, were commissioned to answer the tough question of how to maintain the historic campus and park like setting of the College while the surrounding neighborhoods had transitioned from a rural to an urban community. A preliminary analysis was needed to evaluate the potential of “College Corner” as a development.


One of the potential “village centers” identified by another Study of the overall Midtown area, was termed “College Corner.” College Corner is identified as the street front land on either side of Lakeside Drive between Oakley Avenue and the entry to Lynchburg College, a four block stretch along Lakeside Drive. Although a small area, this section of Midtown is well traveled with 18,000 cars per day passing the entrance to Lynchburg College. But, as the Midtown report indicated, the area adjoining the College has deteriorated over the last two decades. Lakeside Drive is now an isolated strip of second hand stores and auto oriented services and sales outlets.


Dr. Kenneth Garren, President of Lynchburg College, and other members of the College community participated in the Midtown planning process and became excited by the vision of a re-developed “College Corner” area. This opportunity could not only extend the College’s front entry into the surrounding community and further define and improve the College’s “welcome mat,” but also serve as a “kick-off catalyst” for the entire Midtown transformation. The redevelopment of Lakeside Drive into “College Corner” could also be a profitable venture because of its proximity to the college and the high traffic count at this western gateway to Midtown.


A three day charette took place with the Lynchburg College faculty, staff, students, and local community. At the summation of the three days, Architectural Partners and Tetrault & Associates converted the emerging design and planning strategies and financial proforma to present to the College Board and Committees a plan for the proposed College Corner.