Architectural Partners teamed with Sympoetica to plan, host, and direct a one-day planning conference to generate revitalization for Lynchburg’s historic African-American downtown commercial corridor – currently involved in the mixed-use development of a Pace Adult Care Center and housing at the heart of the study area, Fifth and Federal.
The purpose of this plan is to provide a vision and a blueprint for the revitalization of the Fifth Street corridor between Main Street and the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Bridge. The primary focus is the area two blocks on either side of Fifth Street, though the surrounding neighborhoods, including College, Garland Hill, and Tinbridge Hill, are also very important to the corridor’s revitalization efforts as well. In order for the corridor to succeed, it must serve the needs of the residents and be an attractive gateway to both Downtown and Midtown.
The plan was developed in two stages. First, the City and Community Development Corporation (CDC) developed a Corridor Concept Plan to set the overarching vision for the entire corridor study area. This was completed in August, 2004. Then the city and CDC began to focus on the details of the Fifth Street frontage parcels and blocks between Fourth and Sixth Street. The result of that effort is the Fifth Street Corridor Master Plan.
Some of the predominate features of the plan include: a proposed roundabout at the intersection of Fifth and Federal Streets; new street lane configurations; streetscape improvements; underground utilities; building rehabilitation; infill and redevelopment. Implementation measures and phasing of improvements has been included in the plan to help the citizens and City benchmark their successes.