The congregation of this historic church began to grow explosively following the arrival of a new pastor. The long neglected church plant was recognized as a liability which limited continued growth. Neither the interior nor the exterior presented the image of vitality that the congregation wished to convey. Consequently, Architectural Partners was hired to begin design on three phases of building and site improvements which would change the appearance and use of the church both inside and out.
Phase 1 was initiated with work on the sanctuary foundation. Many years of water penetration through the foundation walls had created an unusable area under the worship space. The remedy was to excavate and expose the foundation walls, apply a waterproofing treatment and completely replace all storm water drainage lines. Following the completion of this work, all existing concrete sidewalks were replaced with new, wider walkways with brick edging and accents matching details of the architecture. Finally, new light posts were installed for improved brightness and security, and new landscaping was planted around the entire perimeter of the original buildings.
Phase II gave the church a completely refurbished education wing – one that was functionally practical, “like new” on the inside, and updated and refreshed on the exterior. The education wing of Rivermont Avenue Baptist was originally designed in a fashion typical of its era. Large assembly spaces surrounded by very small classrooms reflected the curriculum and thinking of the time. With changes in class size and curriculum over the years, the small rooms became useful only as storage closets, and the growing congregation needed more classrooms. The dated interior layout was matched with an equally dated exterior. After a thorough structural evaluation, a plan was developed to demolish and relocate interior walls. Large assembly spaces were subdivided, and the many tiny perimeter rooms were eliminated. The result was a much larger number of useable classrooms fitting the updated curriculum. All classrooms and hallways received new ceilings, lighting, and flooring. On the exterior, new prefinished steel windows with integral mini-blinds replaced the original units. The original storefront entrance was removed and replaced with a new painted wood frame with custom designed wood doors and decorative glass sidelights and transom. Stain and paint colors were chosen to be light and vibrant in comparison with the darker Gothic character of the original building.
Phase III turned their attention to the one hundred year old section of the church that housed the chapel, fellowship hall, and many underused classrooms. Once again, they recognized a pressing need for larger more flexible spaces with all new finishes. The building committee asked Architectural Partners to devise a way to double the existing fellowship hall and expand the chapel without adding to the building. AP began by securing the services of a structural engineer to fully survey the building and document loads on existing masonry walls. To expand the fellowship hall in the basement would mean redirecting loads from the two floors above. The solution was to relocate an existing stair to the perimeter of the building and then support floor loads with new steel columns in place of the bearing walls. New footings were poured, and the new steel support structure was put in place without any damage to the existing rooms above. At the same time that the fellowship hall was expanded, the kitchen was updated and a new serving line created. The relocated fire stair was inserted within the building and built according to current code requirements. Phase III also involved the expansion of the existing chapel and the creation of a new “coffee bar.” On the exterior of the building, new signage was designed and installed with an informal contemporary style, conveying the new life that the church has taken on architecturally and as a congregation.