What’s Happening

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We were honored to be a part of this project to help foster economic growth for our community in Amherst County! ... See MoreSee Less

We were honored to be a part of this project to help foster economic growth for our community in Amherst County!Image attachmentImage attachment+1Image attachment

Merry Christmas! We loved taking turns ringing the bell for the Salvation Army this past Friday! We are so fortunate to have the opportunity to assist others in the community. Thank you to everyone who stopped by and donated to the cause!

#salvationarmy #architecturalpartners #merrychristmas
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Merry Christmas! We loved taking turns ringing the bell for the Salvation Army this past Friday! We are so fortunate to have the opportunity to assist others in the community. Thank you to everyone who stopped by and donated to the cause!

#salvationarmy #architecturalpartners #merrychristmasImage attachmentImage attachment+1Image attachment

Excited to announce our collaboration with @architecturalpartners on the design of our industrial building project at Seneca Commerce Park. One more step toward expanding the manufacturing base in Campbell County. Read more at bit.ly/40IFCcK

#campbellcova #lyhregion #newbusiness #localnews #CampbellCountyVA #localgovernment #economicdevelopment #centralvirginia #campbellvacares
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Meet Brent! Brent is one of our architects and our resident code expert here at AP! He has been with us since 2013 and has 39 years of experience! Brent never fails to bring a few laughs to the office 😀 Take a look at this month's employee spotlight to learn a little more about Brent!

#architecturalpartners #lynchburgbusiness #lyhregion #employeespotlight #employeeappreciation
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Meet Brent! Brent is one of our architects and our resident code expert here at AP! He has been with us since 2013 and has 39 years of experience! Brent never fails to bring a few laughs to the office 😀 Take a look at this months employee spotlight to learn a little more about Brent!

#architecturalpartners #lynchburgbusiness #lyhregion #employeespotlight #employeeappreciationImage attachment

Congratulations are in order for one of our employees, Michael Trent, who is now officially a Registered Architect in the state of Virginia! We are so proud of your hard work and dedication throughout this process! 🙌

#RegisteredArchitect #architecturalpartners #lynchburgva
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Congratulations are in order for one of our employees, Michael Trent, who is now officially a Registered Architect in the state of Virginia! We are so proud of your hard work and dedication throughout this process! 🙌

#registeredarchitect #architecturalpartners #lynchburgva

A big THANK YOU to Architectural Partners for sponsoring the Red Truck Gala!

Is your business or organization interested in becoming a sponsor? Visit us at www.redtruckministry.org/red-truck-gala/ to purchase tickets!
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Meet Jim! Jim is one of our longest tenured employees here at AP. Whether he is using it for his own projects or answering questions from our younger employees, his vast knowledge and experience is a great asset to our company! We love Jim, and you will too! 😁 Take a look at this month's employee spotlight to learn a little more about him!

#architecturalpartners #lynchburgbusiness #lyhregion #employeespotlight #employeeappreciation
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Meet Jim! Jim is one of our longest tenured employees here at AP. Whether he is using it for his own projects or answering questions from our younger employees, his vast knowledge and experience is a great asset to our company! We love Jim, and you will too! 😁 Take a look at this months employee spotlight to learn a little more about him! 

#architecturalpartners #lynchburgbusiness #lyhregion #employeespotlight #employeeappreciationImage attachment

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Jim is a great guy to work with. A senior architect but never belittled anyone. Humble and hugely talented. I was happy to have worked with him for almost 30 years.

9 months ago

Swinging for a cause! ⛳️ Our team had an amazing time at the charity golf fundraiser, supporting Lynchburg City Schools CTE program. Proud to give back to our community while having fun on the greens!

#lynchburgcte #ivyhillgolfclub #architecturalpartners
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Swinging for a cause! ⛳️ Our team had an amazing time at the charity golf fundraiser, supporting Lynchburg City Schools CTE program. Proud to give back to our community while having fun on the greens!

#lynchburgcte #ivyhillgolfclub #architecturalpartners

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Thanks for all you do to support LCS CTE!!!!❤️

Photos from Grymes Memorial School's post ... See MoreSee Less

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Architectural Partners was honored to receive this Certificate of Appreciation from the amazing people at T. C. Miller Elementary School for Innovation ! We have been a proud partner with them for many years through the Lunch Buddies program. The dedication and impact of the faculty and staff at T. C. Miller on the community is truly inspiring, and we are deeply grateful to be a part of it. Thank you for this honor! ... See MoreSee Less

Architectural Partners was honored to receive this Certificate of Appreciation from the amazing people at T. C. Miller Elementary School for Innovation ! We have been a proud partner with them for many years through the Lunch Buddies program. The dedication and impact of the faculty and staff at T. C. Miller on the community is truly inspiring, and we are deeply grateful to be a part of it. Thank you for this honor!Image attachmentImage attachment

Architectural Partners has helped us in many ways over the years and we are grateful to have them sponsoring us for our 10th Anniversary to "Keep it on Track!" We couldn't serve our community without support, so thank you for making it possible!

#recoveryispossible #wedorecover #recoverycommunity #lyhcommunity #LYHLovesYou #lyhnonprofit #milestone #celebrations #gala #10years #anniversary #birthday #birthdaycelebration
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Say hello to another new member of the AP team, Michael Trent! Michael provides valuable support to our Project Managers while leveraging his expertise in the construction industry. He is valuable addition, and we are super excited to have him working with us! Take a look at this month's employee spotlight to learn a little more about our newest employee! 😃
#architecturalpartners #lynchburgbusiness #lyhregion #employeespotlight #employeeappreciation
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Say hello to another new member of the AP team, Michael Trent! Michael provides valuable support to our Project Managers while leveraging his expertise in the construction industry. He is valuable addition, and we are super excited to have him working with us! Take a look at this months employee spotlight to learn a little more about our newest employee! 😃
#architecturalpartners #lynchburgbusiness #lyhregion #employeespotlight #employeeappreciationImage attachment
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